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Learn about the command line arguments and what they mean

to run dnsmonster, one input and at least one output must be defined. The input could be any of devName for live packet capture, pcapFile to read off a pcap file, or dnstapSocket address to listen to. Currently, running dnsmonster with more than one input stream at a time isn’t supported. For output however, it’s supported to have more than one channel. Sometimes, it’s also possible to have multiple instances of the same output (for example Splunk) to provide load balancing and high availability.

Note that in case of specifying multiple output streams, the output data is copied to all. For example, if you put stdoutOutputType=1 and --fileOutputType=1 --fileOutputPath=/dev/stdout, you’ll see each processed output twice in your stdout. One coming from the stdout output type, and the other from the file output type which happens to have the same address (/dev/stdout).

dnsmonster can be configured in 3 different ways. Command line options, Environment variables and a configuration file. You can also use any combination of them at the same time. The precedence order is as follows:

  • Command line options (Case-insensitive)
  • Environment variables (Always upper-case)
  • Configuration file (Case-sensitive, lowercase)
  • Default values (No configuration)

For example, if you have a configuration file that has specified a devName, but you also provide it as a command-line argument, dnsmonster will prioritizes CLI over config file and will ignore that parameter from the ini file.

Command line options

To see the current list of command-line options, run dnsmonster --help or checkout the repository’s

Environment variables

all the flags can also be set via env variables. Keep in mind that the name of each parameter is always all upper case and the prefix for all the variables is “DNSMONSTER.” Example:

$ export DNSMONSTER_PORT=53 $ export DNSMONSTER_DEVNAME=lo $ sudo -E dnsmonster

Configuration file

you can run dnsmonster using the following command to use configuration file:

$ sudo dnsmonster --config=dnsmonster.ini # Or you can use environment variables to set the configuration file path $ export DNSMONSTER_CONFIG=dnsmonster.ini $ sudo -E dnsmonster

1 - Performance

Performance considerations when configuring dnsmonster

Use afpacket

If you’re using dnsmonster as a sniffer, and you’re not keeping up with the number of packets that are coming in, consider switching on afpacket by using the flag --useAfpacket. Afpacket tends to drastically improve packet ingestion rate of dnsmonster. If you still having packet drop issues, increase --afpacketBuffersizeMb to a higher value. the buffer size will take up more memory on startup, and will increase the startup time depending how much have you assigned to it.

In some tests, values above 4096MB tend to have negative impact on the overall performance of the daemon. If you’re using 4096MB of buffer size and still seeing performance issues, There’s a good chance the issue isn’t on the capture size, and more on the process and output side.

Proper Output and packet handlers

Simply put, if you have an output that can accept 1000 inserts per second, but you have an incoming packet rate of 10,000 packets per second, you’re going to see a lot of packet drops. The packet drop will get worse and worse as time goes by as well. When selecting an output, consider the capacity of your technology and what you expect to be ingested.

If you are seeing a considerable amount of packet loss which gets worse as time goes on, consider testing --stdoutOutputType=1 and remove your current output, and redirect the output to /dev/null. You can also tweak the number of workers converting the data to JSON to further experiment with it. Take the following example

dnsmonster --devName=lo --packetHandlerCount=16 --stdoutOutputType=1 --useAfpacket | pv --rate --line-mode > /dev/null

In above command, you can see the exact output line per second while maintaining a view on metrics and packet loss to see if your packet loss is still present. by default, --stdoutOutputWorkerCount is set to 8. If you have a strong enough CPU, you can increase that amount to see what’s the max rate you can achieve. On a small server, you shouldn’t have a problem ingesting 500k packet per second.

Note that the --packetHandlerCount is also set to 16 to make sure enough workers are ingesting packets coming in. That’s also an important parameter to tweak to achieve the optimum performance. The default, 2, might be too low for you if you have hundreds of thousands of packets per second on an interface.

Sampling and BPF-based split of traffic

Sometimes, the packets are simply too much to process. dnsmonster offers a few options to deal with this problem. --sampleRatio simply ignores packets by the defined ratio. default is 1:1, meaning for each incoming packet, one gets processed, aka 100%. you can tweak this number if your hardware isn’t capable of processing all the packets, or dnsmonster has simply reached its limit.

For example, putting 2:7 as your sample ratio means for each 7 packets that come in, only the first two get processed.

If after testing all options you’ve reached the conclusion that dnsmonster can not handle more than what you need it to do, please raise an issue about it, but also you can run multiple instances of dnsmonster looking at the same traffic like so:

dnsmonster --devName=lo --stdoutOutputType=1 --filter="src portrange 1024-32000" dnsmonster --devName=lo --stdoutOutputType=1 --filter="src portrange 32001-65535"

The above processes will split the traffic between them based on the port range. Note that only high ports are included since majority of the clients use ports above 1024 to conduct a DNS query. you can change the filter based on any BPF that makes sense for your environment.

Profile CPU and Memory

To take a look at what exactly is using your CPU and RAM, take a look at the Golang profiler tools available through --memprofile and --cpuprofile flags. to use them, issue the following

# profile CPU dnsmonster --devName=lo --stdoutOutputType=1 --cpuprofile=1 # you'll see something like this in the beginning of your logs # 2022/04/11 19:13:51 profile: cpu profiling enabled, /tmp/profile452510705/cpu.pprof # profile RAM dnsmonster --devName=lo --stdoutOutputType=1 --memprofile=1 # you'll see something like this in the beginning of your logs # 2022/04/11 19:15:00 profile: memory profiling enabled (rate 4096), /tmp/profile1290716652/mem.pprof

After dnsmonster exits gracefully, you can use Go’s perf tools to open the generated pprof file in a browser and dig deep into functions that are being bottleneck in the code. After installing pprof, use it like below

~/go/bin/pprof -http /tmp/profile2392236212/mem.pprof

A browser session will automatically open with the performance metrics for your execution.