Microsoft Sentinel

Microsoft Sentinel output module is designed to send dnsmonster logs to Sentinel. In addition to that, this module supports sending the logs to any Log Analytics workspace no matter if they are connected to Sentinel or not.

Please take a look at Microsoft’s official documentation to see how Customer ID and Shared key are obtained.

Configuration Parameters

; What should be written to Microsoft Sentinel. options:
;	0: Disable Output
;	1: Enable Output without any filters
;	2: Enable Output and apply skipdomains logic
;	3: Enable Output and apply allowdomains logic
;	4: Enable Output and apply both skip and allow domains logic
SentinelOutputType = 0

; Sentinel Shared Key, either the primary or secondary, can be found in Agents Management page under Log Analytics workspace
SentinelOutputSharedKey =

; Sentinel Customer Id. can be found in Agents Management page under Log Analytics workspace
SentinelOutputCustomerId =

; Sentinel Output LogType
SentinelOutputLogType = dnsmonster

; Sentinel Output Proxy in URI format
SentinelOutputProxy =

; Sentinel Batch Size
SentinelBatchSize = 100

; Interval between sending results to Sentinel if Batch size is not filled
SentinelBatchDelay = 1s
Last modified April 17, 2022: output documentation (29a47ec)