Stdout, syslog or Log File

Stdout, syslog and file are supported outputs for dnsmonster out of the box. They are useful specially if you have a SIEM agent reading the files as they come in. Note that dnsmonster does not provide support for log rotation and the capacity of the hard drive while writing into a file. You can use a tool like logrotate to perform cleanups on the log files. The signalling on log rotation (SIGHUP) has not been tested with dnsmonster.

The JSON schema used to send the logs can be configured to be compatible with Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) as well.

Currently, Syslog output is only supported on Linux.

Configuration parameters

; What should be written to file. options:
;	0: Disable Output
;	1: Enable Output without any filters
;	2: Enable Output and apply skipdomains logic
;	3: Enable Output and apply allowdomains logic
;	4: Enable Output and apply both skip and allow domains logic
FileOutputType = 0

; Path to output file. Used if fileOutputType is not none
FileOutputPath =

; Output format for file. options:json, json-ocsf, csv, csv_no_header, gotemplate. note that the csv splits the datetime format into multiple fields
FileOutputFormat = json

; Go Template to format the output as needed
FileOutputGoTemplate = {{.}}

; What should be written to stdout. options:
;	0: Disable Output
;	1: Enable Output without any filters
;	2: Enable Output and apply skipdomains logic
;	3: Enable Output and apply allowdomains logic
;	4: Enable Output and apply both skip and allow domains logic
StdoutOutputType = 0

; Output format for stdout. options:json,csv, csv_no_header, gotemplate. note that the csv splits the datetime format into multiple fields
StdoutOutputFormat = json

; Go Template to format the output as needed
StdoutOutputGoTemplate = {{.}}

; Number of workers
StdoutOutputWorkerCount = 8

; What should be written to Syslog server. options:
;	0: Disable Output
;	1: Enable Output without any filters
;	2: Enable Output and apply skipdomains logic
;	3: Enable Output and apply allowdomains logic
;	4: Enable Output and apply both skip and allow domains logic
SyslogOutputType = 0

; Syslog endpoint address, example: udp://, tcp:// Used if syslogOutputType is not none
SyslogOutputEndpoint = udp://
Last modified December 14, 2024: moved to pure go bpf lexer (#113) (ca2298c)